Kaitn Walker

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Kaitn Walker
Kaitn Walker

Scientist/Fire Investigator


work Liverpool

work +44 151 236 0083
cell +44 7385 379 641

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Career Summary

Curriculum Vitae

Kaitn Walker has a MSci in Forensic Science specialising in chemistry from the University of West of England and has completed multiple Fire Science and Investigation courses. Kaitn has three years’ experience working in an analytical testing laboratory working with a variety of samples including fuel oil, chemical and solid cargo samples.


Kaitn has attended marine and land-based fires in the UK and overseas and has produced reports into the causation of a range of fire incidents on ships as well as land-based industrial fires. She is also providing ongoing advice on live cases as they develop.

Throughout her time at Brookes Bell, Kaitn has been involved with presentations and seminars surrounding the subject of lithium-ion batteries and the fire risks and challenges for the shipping industry.

Kaitn has been involved in a variety of agricultural matters including the inspection and sampling of grains. Kaitn has also been involved with researching and comparing international test standards to prepare sampling protocols. She has also attended laboratories to assess the condition of samples, agree scope and methodology of testing and witness breaking of sample seals.

During her time at The Lab at Brookes Bell Kaitn was involved with setting up their new laboratory specialising in oil and petroleum analysis and gaining ISO 17025:2017 accreditation. This role involved conducting a range of analyses, carrying out investigative work on behalf of clients and through witnessed analyses. Kaitn would also be responsible for data analysis of the analytical techniques and subsequent report writing. Kaitn was heavily involved with the quality processes in the laboratory, and advises on these matters in her current role.

Professional Qualifications

  • Fire Science and Fire Investigation – University of Edinburgh.
  • Practical Fire Investigation (FSFPI) -Fire Service College UK.
  • Completing online training modules approved by International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI).
  • Laboratory Internal Audit (ISO/IEC 17025:2017) – UKAS Training Academy.

Academic Qualifications

  • MSci Forensic Science (Chemistry)

Surveying and Consultancy Experience
 Worldwide survey attendances and/or onsite investigations of marine fire incidents on ro-ros, bulk carriers and container vessels, including:
 Fire in baled wood pulp.
 Engine room fire.
 Hydrogen explosion in bulk cargo.
 Car carrier fire.
 Damage to bulk cargo from heated fuel tanks.
 Self-heating in scrap at loading
 Land-based investigations of fires at large industrial and warehouse premises.
 Advice on contamination of solid and liquid bulk cargoes.
 Sampling, guiding third parties on sampling procedures, advising on testing requirements, attending at laboratories and interpretation of analytical results.
 Providing real-time advice on hazards and safe carriage of self-heating/gas-emitting bulk cargoes, including coal, scrap and incinerator bottom ash.
 Conducting and interpreting gas readings to monitor hazardous bulk cargoes and fire incidents.

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